
Dooni Dooni is a Danish/Norwegian/Malien non-profit organization (NGO) with the goal to assist local communities in need and support sustainable development.This is done in collaboration with the locals themself and local authorities in areas of West and Central Africa

It all started… in the late ’90s, a friendship was established while Thore Eklund was serving in Mali. There, he met Dory Konare, who was very involved in rural development work in Mali. Visions and plans were shared, and in 1999 in the city of Kalifabougou Dooni Dooni took off.

Voluntariness, sustainability, and local anchoring are our core values. These make sure that more than 90 percent of our allowance goes directly to the people who need it, the projects, we initiate, will not just last for a short period of time, and that we collaborate with the locals, who are familiar with the areas in which we work.

Dooni Dooni is based off of 2nd Corinthians 8, 14-15, “At the present time your plenty will supply what they need, so that in turn their plenty will supply what you need…The one who gathered much did not have too much, and the one who gathered little did not have too little”.

Mainly, our work is based in Mali. Bettering education and agriculture are two of our main focuses along with providing medical help and supporting less mediated children.

This is done by…

  • Establishing new schools and supporting the development of existing educational facilities. Moreover, we offer primary and secondary education. Since 2003, Dooni Dooni has helped to create more than 1,600 new school seats in the areas where we work.
  • Adult Literacy Education: Teaching disabled or handicapped persons who do have not had the chance to access formal education in our focus area.
  • The agricultural sector is being streamlined and the time has come to introduce agricultural machinery. Huge demand for agricultural machinery in our field of action to combat the underproduction of food and increase local income for local farmers. Today, Dooni Dooni has provided and shipped more than 20 tractors with accessories to the target zone, improved soil fertility, and increased crop production.
  • Rural development through the production of local fertilizers in the form of organic compost.
  • Social assistance to vulnerable people. This is done by collaboration with regional authorities in Mali.
  • Conflict mediation and mitigation in conflicting families and villages.
  • Ensuring that arable land in the intervention areas is not sold off and that the local farmers maintain the rights to cultivate on these lands.

Therefore we meekly ask You to help others by helping us.